We serve the call for this kind of kind of therapy:

1. Reflexology Massage Fitness mix
2. Therapy and health acupuncture Obesity

3. Health Therapy and Treatment of Disease

1. Massage Fitness

Massage therapy is a general massage we already know well, is to do sorting on the entire body (Whole Body Spa / massage).

But in massage therapy that I apply it is an art of massage that are doing the emphasis on nerve points in each part of the body (legs, arms, chest, abdomen, back and head) and also relaxes tense muscles and accumulate.

The purpose of this massage therapy is to help open the Qi (energy / power) on the body are negative (less) in qi cavities contained in the body, remove the excess qi in the body that can cause imbalance and aligned so that the circulation of blood to the organs inside the body be smooth and also fill oxygen into the brain or head through a gentle massage.

From the above description it is clear that Reflexology and Massage Therapy I offer is a total which is the first therapy to reflexology and then do a full body massage, and tools that are used in addition to the finger is ball jacks and a small wooden sticks to reach the point of nerve endings on the soles of the feet .

Reflexology and Massage Therapy is not only useful for the sick for healing but it is useful for health and relaxation.

So the main goal of this therapy is health, healing and relaxation.

Everyone should get this kind of therapy is both old, young and young (male or female).

Diseases that can be helped to be cured with this therapy are: bedwetting, muscle spasms, headaches, ulcers, diabetes, thyroid problems, colds / flu, cough, asthma, thyroid, myopic eyes, heart disease, acne, rheumatic, renal, epilepsy / seizures , lack of sex drive, anxiety, long a descent, want to be fat, to skinny, anxiety, impotence, insomnia, stress and others.

2. OBESITY AND THERAPY Acupuncture slimming

Obesity Reduction with acupuncture has been widely performed since 1973 in Japan, Australia, Asia, Hong Kong, Europe and America. This is because acupuncture therapy is considered Easy, Safe, Rational, and Effective.

The management is done is stimulation for improvement organs involved in metabolism system by way of insertion of the acupuncture points using needles that have been in standarization dispossible and recommendations of WHO.

Stimulation does is aiming to launch the Qi (Chi) = Vital Energy / Energy Bioelectric and blood in our bodies.

Advice and Recommendation during the run  Acupuncture Therapy

1. Strong self willingness to lose weight and


2. Positive thinking and peace of mind during the process of acupuncture therapy,

input in your mind that the needle will at puncture

improve your body’s organs and lipofisit (fat destruction).

3. Regular exercise.

4. Drinking water 8-12 glasses a day.

5. Avoid snacking during therapy, multiply eat vegetables and fruits

over a range of meals according to your metabolism clock: Hours: 7

am, 12 noon, 6 pm.

6. Avoid foods that are preserved.

7. Regimentation.

8. Keep stress.

9. Ora et labora

3. Health Therapy and Treatment of Disease

General Therapy

In addition to the above-mentioned therapies, Acupuncture effective for healing diseases of organs and meridians.












Uric acid









Menstrual pain

Late Menstruation


Muscle spasms


Forgetful / Concentration



etc … ….

MERIDIAN DISEASE (Disorders of disease on the body surface)



Pins and needles


Ears ringing

Shoulder / neck stiffness

Lumbago (Back pain)

etc ….


While we only serve to call to your location. We are sure you will be satisfied and comfortable with the therapy that we provide.

Call us at tel No.: (62)81584351454 or (62)89670735397 Ben. (use Whattsapp)

We would appreciate if you do not sms to us.



Reflexology and Massage Therapy

Overview of Reflexology

Humans are not spared from the disease, since childhood illness known to man on his deathbed was always shadowed by a variety of diseases

To cope with the disease have been tried by various means of treatment. A lot of people because the costs are expensive, so no chance in the treat illness.

There is a way or method of alternative medicine / traditional powerful once that is by massaging the area around the feet of human reflection.

This treatment technique has been used in China thousands of years. But as people like to keep any confidential tionghoa, so that medicine is not well developed.

Approximately fifty years ago this knowledge was obtained of a Swiss named: Hedi MASAFRET, he then develops and massage treatments this practice by setting up a clinic called “FITNESS FOR TRAINING CENTRE”. This is where thousands of people have been cured by massaging the area of ​​reflection.

Then these treatments spread to America and Asia. In Taiwan, especially treatment with foot massage how this became so popular so everybody will know this thenik.

The advantages of the ways / techniques of this healing is safe because no what what mtubuh kedala ditusukan penetrate. Only in pain when the massage if there is diseased organ / disease.

Reflection is the central point massaging nerve fibers, each point corresponds to a particular organ. Aiming mempelancar circulation in the organs concerned, so that the blood carrying the necessary nutrients such as oxygen, hormones, antibiotics and other-other. In addition it also takes away blood impurities so that the body becomes a normal and healthy.


Already present in Jakarta. HOLISTIC THERAPY. Solutions For Your Health.

Our motto:
Nothing will change if we just silent!